
Birds Martin Balmer Birds Martin Balmer


You’ll find Oystercatchers around the UK coastline. They are waders that eat mussels, cockles, and occasionally, oysters.

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Birds Martin Balmer Birds Martin Balmer

Green Woodpecker in watercolour pencils

The largest of the native British woodpeckers, these have predominately green bodies, pale bellies, with a bright yellow rump and a red crown. They have short tails and a long tough bill. Males have a red centre to the black facial area. Green woodpeckers are quite loud. Green woodpeckers eat ants, digging deep into the colonies. Green woodpeckers can be seen all year round in England, Wales and areas of southern Scotland.

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Birds Martin Balmer Birds Martin Balmer

Treecreeper in watercolour pencils

Treecreepers are small birds that live in trees. They are very active and although they leave their breeding territories in autumn they usually venture no more than 12 and a half miles. This speckled brown bird can be seen in most of the UK all year round.

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Birds Martin Balmer Birds Martin Balmer

Jay watercolour pencil drawing

With the exception of northern Scotland, Jays are common in woodland across the UK. A colourful member of the crow family but often hiding amongst the woodland flora, making them difficult to see. They can be quite vocal so listen out for them.

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Birds Martin Balmer Birds Martin Balmer

Nuthatch in watercolour pencils

Nuthatches are very agile and can hang upside down from branches. They are a woodland bird, usually staying close to their birthplace. They eat nuts and seeds, such as acorns and hazel nuts, and insects. They can be seen all year round in England, Wales and the southern edge of Scotland.

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Birds Martin Balmer Birds Martin Balmer

Coal Tits in Blossom, in watercolour pencils

The smallest European tit, the Coal Tit has a black head with white cheeks. The male has an extra white stripe on his back. You will generally find them in coniferous woodland but they do make appearances in parks and gardens. They tend to flock together in winter in their search for food.

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Birds Martin Balmer Birds Martin Balmer

Goldfinch in watercolour pencil

Why the red face? The Goldfinch has distinctive markings including a bright red face but has nothing to be embarrassed about. In the winter they can migrate as far south as Spain. They can still be seen in UK gardens during the winter as they move around looking for food.

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